SpringCloud(2020新版)Hoxton版 + SpringCloud alibaba1
在有多种算法相似的情况下,使用 if…else 所带来的复杂和难以维护 如我最近写的爬虫小说,行为是爬取小说内容,但是针对不同的网站,实现都不一样 本文收获 1.java8的lambda 2.spring的aware接口 3.策略模式 实现...
在基于 Spring 的项目中通过SpringBean很方便地实现策略模式方案的介绍说明设计模式系列中分类为行为型模式的一种,通过把不同处理逻辑封装为策略对象,然后在代码逻辑中通过context 上下文对象来选择合适的策略对象...
前言 在 设计模式(一)策略模式 —— 策略模式结构 和 ...
【springcloud 微服务】Spring Cloud Ribbon 负载均衡使用策略详解
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因老信息流项目维护性太差及各种线程池乱用泛滥,原研发人员离职等等历史原因。导致信息流新研发人员中不断吐槽。当然吐槽老代码是程序员特点,看到别人写的不经意就想来一句 “我艹”,最后一看注释发现自己写的,...
1、Spring是什么? Spring是一个轻量级的IoC和AOP容器框架。是为Java应用程序提供基础性服务的一套框架,目的是用于简化企业应用程序的开发,它使得开发者只需要关心业务需求。常见的配置方式有三种:基于XML的配置...
Spring Cloud Eureka(2022最新)
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在程序执行过程中往往有多需要进行if-else判断的情况,通过使用策略模式可以解决在有多种算法相似的情况下,使用 if…else 所带来的复杂和难以维护。 本文主要讲解通过使用自定义注解的方式来实现策略模式。 二、...
Spring是一个轻量级Java开发框架,最早由Rod Johnson创建,目的是为了解 决企业级应用开发的业务逻辑层和其他各层的耦合问题。它是一个分层的 JavaSE/JavaEE full-stack(一站式)轻量级开源框架,为开发Java应用...
SpringBoot 使用策略模式
使用策略模式代替 if…else
自定义初始化策略有时候默认和懒加载策略不能满足我们的要求,此时可以自定义初始化策略。例如:- ApplicationRunner和CommandLineRunner:这两个接口的实现bean会在Spring Boot启动后执行,我们可以在这两个接口的...
微服务架构 Spring Cloud 生态快速回顾指南
微服务架构Spring Cloud概述和基本讲解
策略模式干掉Spring中大片的 if else.docx
人才招聘网站 免费JAVA毕业设计 2024成品源码+论文+录屏+启动教程.zip
人才招聘网站 免费JAVA毕业设计 2024成品源码+论文+录屏+启动教程 启动教程:https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1jKDjYrEz1 项目讲解视频:https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1Tb421n72S 二次开发教程:https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV18i421i7Dx
20 楼 maming2000 2008-10-13 14:00
19 楼 wtwfb 2008-10-08 15:30
18 楼 jeff_yuchang 2008-09-25 13:45
1. JSR上面缺少DI的规范.如果有DI的规范,比如JPA,那么只用Spring DI的部分群众可以很简单的转用其他的实现.
2. 我更关注的是: Apache CXF, Camel, ServiceMix等这些对Spring DI依赖的框架,我觉得这个策略更不利于这些项目,或许刚好也是个警钟? ;-).
可以看下Bill Burke的对S2的策略看法.
17 楼 Allen 2008-09-24 11:03
16 楼 SSailYang 2008-09-24 00:06
15 楼 QQbyte 2008-09-23 15:16
14 楼 cymo 2008-09-23 14:34
13 楼 lakemove 2008-09-23 11:37
12 楼 seawavecau 2008-09-23 09:22
11 楼 cddcdd 2008-09-22 23:12
10 楼 houwei 2008-09-22 22:27
9 楼 gml520 2008-09-22 13:29
8 楼 pikachu 2008-09-22 13:15
如果不肯用新版本,又想要official support的,那就花钱买就是了.
7 楼 kyo100900 2008-09-22 13:01
There's a lot of overreaction on this thread. This policy does not hurt the open source community. By open source community, I mean those folk who are happy to follow source repository activity, compile open source code and perhaps contribute. Obviously no one who doesn't do the first two activities can do the third in any useful way. SpringSource continues to expose our open source code, which costs us millions of dollars annually to develop.
This policy does affect users who think that open source is a way for them to get extended maintenance of high quality enterprise software for free, without them lifting a finger. These are typically companies who can't or won't upgrade to the current version of Spring--in contrast to the typical open source culture of following the latest and greatest release. These folk will still get the latest versions of Spring--and furthermore, typically are enterprises of a scale and risk profile that they are happy to pay for rock solid support. From their point of view, the availability of 3 year support from SpringSource is a good thing, and a strong argument in favor of using Spring, rather than a problem. Frankly, anyone who refuses to compile an open source project under any circumstances doesn't really believe in open source: they believe in other people working for them for free.
We're proud of the huge contribution we make to open source--not merely in Spring projects, but in Tomcat, Apache HTTPD and many other projects. Anyone who really cares about open source should be willing to read and compile code, or pay for those who create open source to do it for them. Folks who aren't willing to do this can complain, but I have little sympathy for them.
6 楼 QQbyte 2008-09-22 12:23
5 楼 jnn 2008-09-22 12:21
4 楼 QQbyte 2008-09-22 11:51
3 楼 AllenZhang 2008-09-22 11:41
2 楼 neora 2008-09-22 10:54
1 楼 robbin 2008-09-22 10:47