


原创新闻 Passenger(mod_rails)新的RoR部署方式

2008-04-02 22:25 by 见习编辑 robbin 评论(4) 有8807人浏览
mod_rails是赖洪礼和他的团队开发的一种基于apache module机制的RoR部署运行方式。这种方式可以充分利用apache的功能,提供了基于apache的比较好的RoR性能,而且无需烦琐的部署方式。根据作者的评测,mod_rails的性能略微超过了mongrel和thin,是一种相当快的运行方式。


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4 楼 山雨欲来风满楼 2009-06-10 15:42
一个22岁的小伙子, 又是一个天才。在中国, 我们22岁的小伙子在干什么呢? 打游戏,上网,泡妞,人家居然能弄出个apache插件来,差距太大了, 自愧不如。。。
3 楼 kenter1643 2008-05-08 16:40
Checking for required software...

* GNU C++ compiler... found at /usr/bin/g++
* Ruby development headers... found
* OpenSSL support for Ruby... found
* RubyGems... found
* Rake... found at /home/servers/ruby/bin/rake
* Apache 2... found at /home/servers/apache/bin/httpd
* Apache 2 development headers... found at /home/servers/apache/bin/apxs
* Apache Portable Runtime (APR) development headers... found at /opt/svn/bin/apr-config
* fastthread... found
WARNING: Apache doesn't seem to be compiled with the 'prefork' MPM

Passenger has only been tested on Apache with the 'prefork' MPM. Your Apache
installation is compiled with the 'worker' MPM. We recommend you
to abort this installer and to recompile Apache with the 'prefork' MPM.

Press Ctrl-C to abort this installer (recommended).
Press Enter if you want to continue with installation anyway.

2 楼 andyyes 2008-04-04 00:24
Welcome. My name is Hongli Lai.

There’s not much to say really. But just in case you’re wondering:

I’m 22 years old
I live somewhere in Europe
I’m a computer science student, studying for my bachelor degree.
Programming has been a hobby of mine since the late 90s. My current programming-related skill set is:

Windows programming since late 1998, and Linux/POSIX programming since 2001.
Delphi/Object Pascal since late 1998.
HTML since 1998. Over the years I’ve acquired experience with CSS and JavaScript.
C since 2001.
C++ since 2003.
Perl and shell scripting since 2003.
Python and PHP since 2004.
Ruby and Ruby on Rails since late 2005.
I’m familiar with the open source community, and I’ve been parts of all sorts of open source projects, such as:

Dev-C++, a C/C++ IDE (ironically written in Delphi)
Autopackage, an inter-distribution software packaging system for Linux.
I’ve contributed patches to GNOME and GTK in the past, and some other projects which I don’t remember at the moment.

At the moemnt I’m not available for hire. I’m the co-owner of the IT company Phusion. We’re currently specialized in Ruby on Rails solutions, but we have experience with other areas as well. If you’re interested in our services, please contact info at phusion dot nl.

If you’d like to contact me, you can do so by mailing to: hongli at phusion dot nl.
1 楼 老熊 2008-04-03 09:25




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