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wy_19921005 - 青否云后端云
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c++ 学习点滴 typedef
最近开始捣鼓c++. 由于本身是捣鼓java的, 程序本身不陌生, 陌生的只是c++. 没有看primary c++之类的入门书, 只看了一本 c++ for java programmer 作为入门. 云里雾里的看完了整个书的 75% 就开始上手写游戏, 发现明显不行啊.
发现搞不定的时候就查点资料, 然后在这里记录下自己的理解, 权当日志了, 如果能惠及他人, 不胜荣幸. 不喜欢全文复制的帖 ...
The 10 rules of a Zen programmer
On a rainy morning I found myself sitting on the desk thinking about efficient working. Before I started as a freelancer I had some days were I worked lots but could look only back on a worse out ...
Top 30 Programming interview questions
Top 30 Programming interview questions
Programming questions are integral part of any java or C++ programmer or software analyst interview. No matter on which language you have expertise it’s expec ...
Good Surroundings For Programmer
Programmers are those who work on creation, and they're simple, hard-working and careless about dressing. They really need some special conditions to help to exhibit their creativity, since the very wo ...
Good Programmers Make Bad Designers
I got an email request to publish this article a few days ago.
I was actually on the verge of moving the email to the trash when I noticed the first name of the author: Rand.
For those of you not fam ...