
Connecting VisualVM with a remote JBoss AS 7 / EAP6 JVM process

http://blog.akquinet.de/2012/11/01/connecting-visualvm-with-a-remote-jboss-as-7-eap6-jvm-process/ VisualVM is a useful tool for monitoring and simple profiling of JVM processes. It integrates variou ...
sunjing 评论(0) 有1551人浏览 2014-10-10 21:04

JBoss EAP6/AS7 Application Logging

The Blog  http://blog.jyore.com/?p=234 Introduction When it comes down to it, logging is one of the most important parts of an application. Logging, when done correctly, allows us to monitor code b ...
sunjing 评论(0) 有1492人浏览 2014-04-25 12:41

jboss 4.5 迁移到 jboss 7 cookie 特殊字符 问题记录

一、背景:      公司最近将jboss的版本从4.5 升级到7,之后发现从cookie中,获取不到用户的信息了。经过debug发现,保存用户信息的cookie,在request.getCookie()之后就是被截断了。本来是 key=x_l=1&x_locale=zh_CN&no_popup_today=n&user=xxx|xxx|xxx|xxx|xxx& ...
诸葛不亮 评论(0) 有3353人浏览 2014-01-01 16:20

JBoss 7.1 - Datasource Configuration and App Deployment

JBoss 7.1.1.Final has been released in 3月份 2012. Lets take a look at its directories, how to deploy and how to configure data source. 1. Directory Layout: JBoss 7 is fundamentally different from previ ...
jXee 评论(0) 有1751人浏览 2012-08-20 12:37


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