

keepye 评论(0) 有1233人浏览 2013-07-22 16:45


  DICOM标准(2011) 最新版,下载请看我的百度云网盘  DICOM标准下载   DICOM图像实例,下载链接请看我的百度云网盘 DICOM图像实例(只用于学习和研究使用)
qimo601 评论(0) 有2994人浏览 2012-10-22 10:31


DICOM中C-Get 和C-Move的区别。 C-Move操作基本上都包含了C-Get的功能,而且有些地方,C-Get无法替代C-Move。 比如:   1、C-Move可以实现从一个AE将DICOM文件发送另外一个AE。而C-Get只能实现从SCP获取dicom到自身。从这个方面来说,C-Get功能有点多余。 2、从系统安全角度,C-Get随机开放了一个未绑定的端口来接收服务端图像 ...
qimo601 评论(0) 有6672人浏览 2012-10-08 17:01

DCMTK Create a Mammography CAD SR Document

  Howto: Create a Mammography CAD SR Document Here's an example that shows how to start from scratch: Source Code   #include "dcmtk/config/osconfig.h" #include "dcmtk/dcmsr/dsr ...
qimo601 评论(0) 有2801人浏览 2012-09-18 09:17

DCMTK Howto: User Identity Negotiation

  Howto: User Identity Negotiation Since April 2008 DCMTK allows for handling a feature called User Identity Negotiation, which is an optional mechanism to send/receive user credentials, a Kerberos ...
qimo601 评论(0) 有6189人浏览 2012-09-18 09:16

DCMTK: Set output directory to DcmSCP

  Author Message
qimo601 评论(0) 有4572人浏览 2012-09-18 09:16


PACS connection Moderator: Moderator Team  
qimo601 评论(0) 有14727人浏览 2012-09-15 14:04

DCMTK:Receiving Images from PACS using DCMSCU

  通过DCMTK的DCMSCU,从PACS获取图像,看看人家咋回答的。 Receiving Images from PACS using DCMSCU Moderator: Moderator Team  
qimo601 评论(0) 有5208人浏览 2012-09-15 14:03

DCMTK:DCMSCU get series

Author Message manoindia2020  Post subject: DCMSCU get series
qimo601 评论(0) 有2797人浏览 2012-09-15 14:02


转载:http://forum.dcmtk.org/viewtopic.php?f=1&t=2812&hilit=DCMNET connect to PACS system biginner question Moderator: Moderator Team  
qimo601 评论(0) 有5856人浏览 2012-09-15 14:01

DCMTK:howto:dcmscu-example 网络客户端

  DcmSCU example program This is example code how to program an actual DICOM client with the DcmSCU class. In particular, it demonstrates how to send an ECHO to the server (usually a PACS), ...
qimo601 评论(0) 有4363人浏览 2012-09-15 14:00

DCMTK提取Overlay Data

  Howto: Extract Overlay Data Here's an example that shows how it works in principle: Source Code   #include "dcmtk/config/osconfig.h" #include "dcmtk/dcmimgle/dcmimage.h" ...
qimo601 评论(0) 有4277人浏览 2012-09-14 14:07

DCMTK获取压缩后的pixel data

  Howto: Accessing Compressed Data If compressed DICOM images are loaded, DCMTK most of the time does the job of decompressing the image data itself, e.g. when the user feeds it into the DicomImage ...
qimo601 评论(0) 有6481人浏览 2012-09-14 14:06


  Howto: Access multi-frame images without loading complete pixel data Here's an example that shows how to access the individual frames of a large multi-frame image (for visualization purposes) wit ...
qimo601 评论(0) 有5681人浏览 2012-09-14 14:06


  Howto: Generate Unique Identifier (UID) Here's an example that shows how the generation of three new UIDs works (e.g. to be used for a new SOP Instance created by dump2dcm) :
qimo601 评论(0) 有2991人浏览 2012-09-14 14:06


  Examples The following example shows how to load a DICOM file and output the patient's name:   DcmFileFormat fileformat; OFCondition status = fileformat.loadFile("test.dcm"); if (st ...
qimo601 评论(0) 有7946人浏览 2012-09-14 14:05


  Howto: Remove private data from a DICOM dataset There is no ready-to-use function in DCMTK to delete all private data from a DICOM dataset. However, using the API of DcmItem and the fact that all ...
qimo601 评论(0) 有2990人浏览 2012-09-13 11:30


  Howto: Add private data elements to a DICOM dataset The following example shows how to add private data elements to a DICOM dataset (if not present yet):   #include "dcmtk/config/osconfig. ...
qimo601 评论(0) 有6162人浏览 2012-09-13 11:18


  Howto: Get information from a sequence item The following example shows, how to get the Code Meaning from the Procedure Code Sequence.   #include "dcmtk/config/osconfig.h" #include ...
qimo601 评论(0) 有3782人浏览 2012-09-13 11:08


  Howto: Add an item to a sequence The following example shows, how to add a new item and the required UIDs to the Referenced Image Sequence. This also works if there was previously no Referenced ...
qimo601 评论(0) 有3198人浏览 2012-09-13 10:52


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