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Chapter 5. Inheritance -- Core Java Ninth Edition
1. The prefixes super and sub come from the language of sets used in theoretical computer science and mathematics. The set of all employees contains the set of all managers, and this is said to be ...
已前的学习笔记java lesson 9
Java lesson 9
1. 面向对象程序设计的三大基本特征:继承(Inheritence)、封装(Encapsulation)、多态(Polymorphism)
2. 封装:类包含了数据与方法,将数据与方 ...
Deeper understanding of Abstract Class & Interface
In Java, abstract class and interface are subtle to distinguish because they have a lot features in common.
Firstly, I want to illustrate some obvious differences between them:
From the ke ...
Java进阶 ---- 多态(Polymorphism)
多态,并没有关键字,可以视之为Java的三大特性之一,也可以视为继承“is a”的另一阐述“substitution principle(代理准则)”的体现。在Java中,对象变量(引 ...
Chapter 8. Polymorphism -- Thinking in Java
1) Polymorphism is the third essential feature of an object-oriented programming language, after data abstraction and inheritance. It provides another dimension of separation of interface from implem ...
Chapter 1. Introduction to Objects -- Thinking in Java
1) All programming languages provide abstractions. It can be argued that the complexity of the problems you’re able to solve is directly related to the kind and quality of abstraction. By “kind” I m ...