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Java EE CDI ConversationScoped
Conversation scope
The conversation scope holds state associated with a user of the system, and spans multiple requests to the server.A conversation represents a task—a unit of work from the point o ...
JSF2 EL表达式使用感受
2、要了解JSF EL的运算符
关于此点,网上很多,大家只要明白EL可以进行算术运算,逻辑运算,关系运算,简单的字符串处理( ...
JSF2技术做的图片网站, http://www.mn97.com ,大家提提意见
JSF2相比JSF1内部结构改善了不少,性能也有了明显的提高,JSF2集成了ajax,使用ajax非常方便,我网站里面有个图片无限下拉功能,就是结合JSF2 ajax来实现的。
FacesContext facesContext = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance(); ExternalContext externalContext = facesContext.getExternalContext(); Map requestParameterMap = externalConte ...
JSF2 + Primefaces3 + Spring3 & Hibernate4 Integration Project
This article shows how to integrate JSF2, PrimeFaces3, Spring3 and Hibernate4 Technologies. It provides a general project template for Java developers.
Also if Spring is not used for Business and Dat ...
Why JSF2 @ViewScoped not working?
javax.faces.bean.ViewScoped said as long as you stay on the same view/page, the backing bean should be the same. This is useful if you want to retain some state of the backing bean, whilst avoid cachin ...
jee6 学习笔记 10: Internationalizing the web app
Making a web app to support multiple languages.
This is achieved in JSF2 by using message properties files (resource bundles) and load the correct key/value pair from these resource files, based on ...
jee6 学习笔记 9: Templating and Primefaces Menubar
Templating can reuse some common code. This example discusses the simplest JSF2 templating with facelet tags.
To define a template, one can use facelet tag <ui:insert name="title"> ...
jee6 学习笔记 5 - Struggling with JSF2 binding GET params
我们看看JSF2有哪些方法来获取HTTP GET parameters:
1. use of new JSF tag "f:viewParam". is it ugly?
//in the page:
<f:viewParam name=&qu ...
jee6 学习笔记 4 - JSF2 Page Navigation
JSF2 navigation can be done in couple of ways:
1. in the action bean, directly return page filename to "forward"(default) to, or "redirect"(need to define) to:
// a "forwa ...
jee6 学习笔记 4 - JSF2 Ajax Basic
JSF 2 has Ajax built in, lets take a look at how it works.
the tag (all attributes optional): <f:ajax event="keyup" render="ID to update, or EL" listener="#{bean.method}&qu ...