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Minimum Spanning Tree
1. Definition: Given an undirected graph G with positive edge weights (connected). A spanning tree of G is a subgraph T that is connected and acyclic. A minimum spanning tree is a min weight spannin ...
Huffman Codes
1. Binary Codes:
-- Maps each character of an alphabet Sigma to a binary string.
-- Example: Sigma = a-z and various punctuation (size 32 overall, say)
Obvious enco ...
Prim's MST Algorithm
1. Informal Goal: Connect a bunch of points together as cheaply as possible.
Blazingly Fast Greedy Algorithms:
- Prim's Algorithm
- Kruskal's algorithm
O(m log n) m is the ...
a scheduling application
1. Problem Scenario :
- One shared resource (e.g., a processor).
- Many "jobs" to do (e.g., processes).
Assume: Each job has a:
- weight wj ("priority")
- ...
Introduction to Greedy Algorithm
1. Greedy Algorithms : Iteratively make "myopic" decisions, hope everything works out at the end.
Example: Dijkstra's shortest path algorithm (processed each destination once, irrevoca ...