
Minimum Spanning Tree

1.  Definition: Given an undirected graph G with positive edge weights (connected). A spanning tree of G is a subgraph T that is connected and acyclic. A minimum spanning tree is a min weight spannin ...
leonzhx 评论(0) 有1312人浏览 2014-01-07 19:11

Huffman Codes

1.  Binary Codes:     -- Maps each character of an alphabet Sigma to a binary string.     -- Example: Sigma = a-z and various punctuation (size 32 overall, say)                        Obvious enco ...
leonzhx 评论(0) 有694人浏览 2013-10-04 13:04

Prim's MST Algorithm

1.  Informal Goal: Connect a bunch of points together as cheaply as possible.       Blazingly Fast Greedy Algorithms:      - Prim's Algorithm      - Kruskal's algorithm      O(m log n)  m is the ...
leonzhx 评论(0) 有1261人浏览 2013-09-10 15:19

a scheduling application

1. Problem Scenario :     - One shared resource (e.g., a processor).     - Many "jobs" to do (e.g., processes).     Assume: Each job has a:     - weight wj ("priority")     - ...
leonzhx 评论(0) 有1148人浏览 2013-09-10 14:11

Introduction to Greedy Algorithm

1.  Greedy Algorithms : Iteratively make "myopic" decisions, hope everything works out at the end.     Example: Dijkstra's shortest path algorithm (processed each destination once, irrevoca ...
leonzhx 评论(0) 有1116人浏览 2013-09-10 12:25


source: http://acm.hdu.edu.cn/showproblem.php?pid=3894 title :    East and West 这道题贪心就可以解决了,首先找到一条把东西部的点分割开的边 (est, wst),然后从wst开始bfs,直到找到西部的p个点,并把这p个点 到wst的距离放到minp数组里。对于东部里最初有train的点也做类似的操作,但把 这p ...
goAheadtw 评论(0) 有936人浏览 2011-09-30 15:32


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