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组合模式在处理复杂的树形结构操作中有他的独到的地方,对于树形结构层次简单,叶子有限的数据结构处理过程中,如果使用组合模式就有些卖艺之嫌。他的优点是简单有效、运算方式清晰明了 ...
UML: Dependency, Association, Aggregation and Composition
1. Dependency:
A dependency is a weak relationship between two classes.
In this example, there is dependency between Point and LineSegment, because LineSegment's draw() operation us ...
Item 16: Favor composition over inheritance
1. Inheriting from ordinary concrete classes across package boundaries is dangerous.
2. Unlike method invocation, inheritance violates encapsulation. The superclass’s implementation may change ...
Chapter 7. Reusing Classes -- Thinking in Java
1) You have two ways to use the classes without soiling the existing code:
a. you simply create objects of your existing class inside the new class. This is called composition, because the new c ...