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使用S/4HANA里的Smart Business消费通过CDS view暴露的OData服务
In my previous blog Build Chart and Table representation via Analytics Path Framework I introduced the step how to render the data coming from CDS view in various chart types via Analytics Path Framew ...
SAP Analytics Path Framework的filter实现原理分析
I am recently doing self study on Analytics Path Framework and as a beginner I have finished some “Hello world” exercise and I have written down my steps to finish those “Hello world” project in these ...
We can get the concept of deadlock in wikipedia.
The picture below gives a common scenario which leads to deadlock.
In this blog, I will share how to detect deadlock situation using JDK stan ...
SAP WebClient UI是如何维护表格选中状态的
I have been working as a Fiori application developer in SAP for almost two years, which means now I use Chrome development tool in my daily work for trouble shooting instead of ABAP debugger when I wa ...
SAP offline OData插件的JavaScript代码是如何调用到Android平台的Java代码的
In previous blog How is OData request routed to Offline data store by OData offline plugin, according to comment, the Offline store will only be available once it is opened successfully. The open oper ...
SAP OData请求是如何通过OData Plugin路由到OData Offline Data Store的
I am reading Offline OData plugin introduction from SAP Help, There is one sentence “OData requests made against this plugin use the available open offline stores.“, and I am very curious about how th ...
The definition of AOP in wikipedia seems a little bit difficult for beginners to understand, so in this blog I use an example to introduce why we need it.
Suppose I have an order command class which ...
SAP OData offline store在Android平台的技术实现
I am studying Kapsel OData offline plugin recently. In SAP help the source code of OData.js is provided:
The source code clearly conveys the idea documented in SAP help: “When an offline stor ...
Java Volatile的一个实际应用场合
Consider the following example:
package thread;
public class ThreadVerify {
public static boolean stop = false;
public static void main(String args[]) throws InterruptedException {
T ...
显示SAP CRM Product hierarchy的一个小工具
Recently I start to study SD and I found the product hierarchy in transaction code V/76 could not be viewed in tree style and it is not so convenient to check:
So I wrote a simple report to r ...
SAP Repository Information System查找Message ID的一个小技巧
Normally if we see a message in SAPGUI and we can just double click the message icon to get its technical detail like message id and number displayed.
However in some case the icon is not ava ...
SAP WebClient UI component context node class单元测试方法
Prerequisite for reading this blog: you should be familiar with how to work with ABAP unit test framework. Requirement is to write unit test for this method below:
In this blog, I copy the st ...
如何使用ABAP代码创建SAP Product Category
In ERP we can create new material type by copying from existing one using tcode OMS2:
This new type could be downloaded into CRM system via customizing download. A product category with prefi ...
SAP系统里的胖接口Fat interface
Recently I am planning an internal training regarding Software engineering concept to my colleagues and one topic is “Interface Segregation”. The following guideline is quoted from OODesign:
“When we ...
在SAP ABAP里使用注解@Inject模拟Java Spring
Recently I will deliver a session regarding dependency inversion principle to my team.
As Java Spring is already widely used in all other Java development teams in my site, some ABAPers are not well ...
I have the following source code in Java:
class Outer {
Nested nested;
Nested getNested() {
return nested;
class Nested {
Inner inner;
Inner getInner() {
For project reason I need to fill some excel.
The content of each column comes from content in SE11:
In order to avoid such boring task, I write a small ABAP class to automate it.
T ...
如何找到ABAP里被动态调用的update function module
In this SCN discussion, Find a Function Module in Update Task dynamically called, a question is asked. For example, if the update function module CRM_PRODUCT_I_UPDATE_DU is called statically as: CALL ...
无法添加某个relationship给SAP CRM Product category的一个可能原因
For example, I would like to test relationship type STRSET and then I plan to add it to product category 00001.
However, in available drop down list, I could not see relationship type STRSET. ...
SAP ABAP字符和字符串变量隐式转换的一些规则
One new colleague in my team asked me that some code does not work as he expected. The confuse could be summarized into following source code:
DATA: lv_i TYPE int4 VALUE 1,
lv_s TYPE strin ...